been a long couple of dayz, or should i say weeks?! school is going well considering the State is in financial disarray... teachers are getting pink slipped, the budget finally passed, but i'm still trying to make ends meet in the classroom on $125.00 for the year.... NOT ez. but, i have a job that i love, and working on a ton of new projects....
in fact, i'm sitting downstairs at mama puter [the one i do all my video editing on], waiting for a recent school video project to fininsh rendering.... tough to do while listening to habbibi sing me a lullaby and Wollf snoring to beat the band. yeppers, i'm sitting down here smiling as i listen to his chorus of sounds..... highly entertaining.
so i figured i'd just jot down a few thoughts and words.... nothing earth shattering, but gives me something to do while my project goes through its first stage..... then it's time to set up the dvd program to burn it. it's actually quite fun.... my journalism students create skits [they write their own scripts, put together their costumes, and figure our shot location] and i film them. the whole idea is that we let the student body know about upcoming events, as well as give character education tips, and other miscellaneous news items. then i edit it down, usually to 10 minutes, and we air the program [KSEQ Channel 6] over our closed circuit tv at school. the kids love doing it, and the other students love hearing about upcoming events in a way that is much more tolerable than the loud speaker.
this project is for an upcoming ASB event [i'm actually running this event too, which is fun]... we are doing a spoof on American Idol. now i've never watched the show, but it seems to be a big hit. we have 8 finalists going head-to-head this friday after school. the prize??? $100.00 -CASH. anyway, we filmed their auditions, and will be playing that as well as each finalist's interview and add some photos from their photo shoot. that will air on friday to hype up the event even more. we also did a mock version of the event, and we are airing that tomorrow; that's what i'm working on now. it's actually a short segment, just under 2.5 minutes, so it shouldn't take long [though the puter is teling me i have an hour left to go...... hope it's not right]. tomorrow's portion will take all evening, as it will be a good 25 minutes long.... but hey, i'm entertained, so no worries....
anyway, time to check mail and diddle around with some other things.....
Wollfs don't snore.......
like a chainsaw you do...... silly Wollf
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