to some of Wollf's loyal readers it may seem like He hasn't posted too much of late.... and though this is sad, but true, it's not cuz he hasn't wanted to post..... really. just last night he sat down to write........

but one phone call after another kept interrupting him, and then the corker, the final straw....... the event that sent him over the edge...... so severe that he closed the lid of his laptop, rolled over, and went to bed; disgusted....... what was this horrid event???
VISTA HELL.........
hang in there, Wollfie, cuz yur not alone..... hope this cheers you up a bit......... got me giggling :-)
1 comment:
Oh, you think I'm "funny"?
Do I "amoooze" you?......lloll, thanks...that was fitting.
*hey, what are people gonna think?*
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