of a 15.5 yr. old son......[sigh]. He managed to bomb algebra 1 this past year as a freshman. because the graduation requirements in MI have changed [every student must have 4 years of math], he found himself facing summer school and no vacation to blue lake fine arts camp, a trip to alaska, and a trip to see me... so instead of summer school, he opted to study throughout the summer and take the exit exam instead. now, as a pretty level-headed thinker, and one who faces reality, this arrangement was pretty much doomed from day 1.
his study schedule consists of 2 hours of work per day, thus getting him through the book and ready for the test. problem number 1: no studying for 2 weeks while at his fine arts camp. problem 2: not much study time while visiting family in alaska [and by not much, i mean nit much]. potential problem 3: trying to study while visiting Mom, when he hasn't visited since february, and meeting new friends [the Cubs]. problem number 4: when he returns he starts band camp right away [he's an awesome trombonist] thus limiting his amount of time to study & the amount of time Dad will be able to work w. him [Dad's his band director], and major problem 5: cramming everything he *re-learned* in a year into a couple of disjointed months.... ugh! well there's not much i can do about the 3 0f those problems. as for his visit w. me? well he has been doing tutoring with a colleague in the mornings, and i have been attempted to keep the *schedule* his Dad has set up. right now he thinks i'm a Bitch [and i really mean Bitch]. why? cuz i am keeping him to a schedule which is hindering his time with Bigger and his friend, and Lil'Wolfie. so yeah, i'm the Bitch..... hey thanks, Dad, for letting me deal with getting him through 5 [yep, 5] full chapters [including online tests] in 14 days, and trying to to help him enjoy time with me..... talking about cramming for a test. the poor guy is having a hell of a time trying to remember formulas from one day to the next..... not thinking he'll remember all that much by the time he has to take the exam.
i feel for him cuz his summer vacation w. me is a drag. while his brothers are playing in the morning, he's studying. yeah, i know it's his own fault for failing in the first place, but the added pressure of getting through the whole book in less than 8 weeks? sure, most of it *should* be review, but he did so poorly the first time around that it's almost like he's relearning everything. if he doesn't pass the exam, he's screwed; plain and simple. trying to talk him into living out here for a year.... cuz the h.s. is on semesters, he could retake algebra semester one, followed by geometry semester 2 and he would be caught up, and could move back to MI [if he wanted] his Junior year and still graduated with his Class. I think I might suggest that to Dad; though i'm sure That won't go over well... not like i'm taking the *easy* out here, but realistically, i srsly have my doubts as to whether he will be able to pull it all together and pass.... there's a lot to remember, and even now, his brain seems fried.... it's a struggle, especially when the *tude* comes through, and boy, can he have a *tude*...
i'll do the best i can, and hopefully he'll pull it all together and pass. he's a tough cookie, means well, has a HUGE heart, and i just love him to pieces..... so Mister, hang in there.... doin' all i can to help ya.
Check this video and music out. It's about a mother and her 2 kidz. It'll make your heart flutter and the song words ae sooo true for us Moms.
great video & song, DW. thanks so much for sharing.... things have *cheered* up around here, and we're all finally getting used to each other.... ain't being a Mom great? thanks, again.... much appreciated.
Being "Mom" is the hardest job on earth. However, like the video showed, it's those times that make it all worthwhile.
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