yep, that lunatic would be me, and ranting just doesn't do justice of my complete and utter disgust of corporate office [whether big or small] accounting....
take chevron..... have been a *loyal* customer for 6+ years now...... never a late payment, blah, blah, blah...... recently they merged with texaco..... okay, no biggie. new account number, new card, etc.... so when it came for me to pay up, my online financial institute [i.e. bank- them thar college words] didn't recognize the new mailing address, and inadvertently sent my payment [with NEW account number] to their business card address. now this was over a month ago.... seeing that it had MY account number on it, don't ya think that the payment would have been directed to my account? oh no...... the check has been cashed and the payment record is somewhere in their cyber filing system. but okay, yeah, i sent it to the wrong address, but really..... my account number is my account number..... shouldn't really matter which *branch office* it went to, it's still my account. and if they cashed it, don't ya think when they documented the account number that it would have been redirected to my account? nope, i guess not. so not only will it take chevron 10-14 days to communicate with their corporate office to have payment redirected, my card has been frozen for a missed payment; of course its a payment thats been made and cashed, but who's paying attention to that? obviously not chevron. so chevron, here's what i have to say to you..... keep your f*n card and high pump prices...... i don't need you or your techron b.s. ...... i'm heading over to the cheap guys......... and next time, have your customer service rep take a crash course in English..... it helps!
then there's my physical therapy group..... the ladies they have working in their accounting department can't manage an account if their lives depended on it. no really....... i have been a patient for 4 years, and i swear, every flippin statement i get is wrong. then i have to go in, guide them to the light, and cross my fingers for the statement. they have been going through a hostile buyout between owners [the good guy left, and the yucky guy is in charge]. well ever since this thing started, nothing is *right* over there. so i get my latest statement, and of course it shows my outstanding balance.... of course it's a balance that hasn't reflected my latest 2 payments, and low and behold, it have triple billing on there. i mean really.... how difficult is it to post accurate information. i pay for a service in march, actually paid for it again in april [going through a time where i wasn't really paying attention; my bad]. the next statement doesn't have the services listed, but guess what??? yep, this one does and what a surprise..... it shows up as unpaid....... OMG, what gives? what is it with incompetency? is it really that hard and i'm just a do-do head? either way, looks like it's time to pay them a visit.... but knowing me, i'll just send a *friendly* note, with a diminished payment, and call it even. will i recommend their services? hell no...... will i find a new gym? hell yes...... maybe i'll just buy a bench and some weights and do it on my own...... hey, it would save me 75 buckaroos a month....
okay, okay, enough ranting..... just had to blow some steam.... Uber is pooped..... the Cubs had him running like gangbusters last night, and the poor guy is simply tuckered out.... so i think i'll take him out to do his *business*, let him nap some more, and i'll head out to do some gurly gurl shopping.......
On the first:
If they cashed it, then write them and throw in a few accusations of fraud, etc.
If they cashed it, then they were saying that they were the party the check was made to; if they took the money then said you didn't pay....sounds like fraud, no?
yeah, it sure sounds like it, doesn't it?! either way i'm tired of the bs..... time to take some action..... maybe include the better business bureau. thanks for the comment!
BBB is your best chance-- make sure to include that you spoke to them and were told to shove it.
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