gonna be a busy morning.... it actually started off with Uber and me sleeping in til 0800... amazing that i feel as rested as i do considering the pup took up 1/3 of the bed last night, and a certain *other* carnivorous mammal of the dog family took up most of the remaining space.... but hey, who's complaining?
fed 3 hungry Boyz a delicious and nutritious gourmet breakfast of egg, bacon & cheese burritos. okay, not my typical gourmet meal, but they thought it was great and that's all that matters; and it beats the stuff they usually call breakfast. got the garbage taken out to the curb, the kitchen floor washed, my errand list made in somewhat of a disorderly fashion [will have to rewrite it before actually heading out, as i can't stand an unorganized list], and everyone showered [except for me] by 0930... not bad.
now we're going to try and catch up on math work.... have a very unhappy young man, but we lost a couple of days worth of work due to a very misplaced backpack... so in order to stick with Dad's outrageous schedule, we're going to have to double up today [see the tutor @ 1330 today and hope to start a new chapter and rifle through 3 sections]....when i told him the plan he replied, "are you sure you'll be able to teach it to me?"... what a crack up...
uh oh, i hear total chaos downstairs..... better check it out....... don't know who's making out ahead; i put my money on Uber.....
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