
in a mood....

hard to believe its been over a week since i've really sat down at this *brain in a box*..... yeah, i've checked email, have done some financial stuff, but for the most part have pretty much been incognito.... at least on the Web.  you see, i go in spurts like that.....  i have never been one to really *surf* the web.... honestly, i get bored much too easily.  sure, if  i'm really looking for something specific, then i can spend hours glued to the screen and not even realize it..... but to just *surf*? nope, that's not me...... never really got into the whole *mystery* of the Internet......

my best friend loves the Web; she'll spend countless hours meeting "new and exciting" people, chatting & im-ing like crazy, and making a bazillion new friends...... until she gets burned.  you'd think she'd learn a lesson here.  yeah, the Internet is an amazing tool, but it can also be a nasty web of deceit.  you know what i mean, you've heard stories..... people pretending to be someone they're not, sharing of information  not meant to be shared..... i mean really, who are these people you're [universal you, that is] talking to?  i've seen too many of my friends get caught up in online *relationships*, just to be sorry.... and by *relationships*, i mean all sorts, whether friends, love interests, buddies, etc..... there is that false sense of security when you're talking to someone you don't really know, and then you make more friends, and then everyone starts sharing, and then....... well, then someone takes it too far, tries to get too involved, and before you know it, someone gets their feelings hurt...... it just amazes me that people can be so cold when their dealing with other people's emotions and feelings...... 

what ever happened to personal boundries and not crossing the line with your friends? i think because it's the Internet, people don't feel they need to abide by the same *rules*; that somehow it's okay to go too far [or try to]...... i HATE drama, i hate it even more when adults behave so immaturely; taking sides, talking behind backs, whining when their fairy tale doesn't turn out they way they wanted it to..... wake up people!!!!!  you want to make new friends, great, use the Web..... branch out and meet people, form friendships and lasting relationships..... but when you don't get what you *want*...... don't be a jerk...... and don't pretend to be someone you're not...... cuz the Internet is powerful, and this person knows that person, who knows that person, and word gets around....... 

so have fun *surfing* and *playing*..... just remember that REAL people are involved....


Foxfier said...

Amen, amen and amen.

I do have some friends online-- but I've also been burnt in a World of Warcraft group I was in, where I gave a lot of help and commitment, only to be booted out in violation of the rules of the group. Ugh.

rthmcdragn said...

i do have a couple *close* online friends but it seems like they are few and far between, and not too easy to *find*... tis a mystery, the human psyche.......